
2024 China Pharmaceutical Brand Value list: CSPC Pharma ranked sixth

August 09, 2024

Recently, the world-renowned brand evaluation agency Brand Finance released the "China Pharmaceutical Brand Value and Brand Strength Assessment Report 2024". The report deeply analyzes the current brand value situation of the Chinese pharmaceutical market and authoritatively ranks the 15 most valuable pharmaceutical brands in the Chinese market. CSPC Pharma, with its outstanding brand strength and market influence, successfully secured a spot on the list, showcasing the group's strong brand resilience and market competitiveness.

According to the report data, the brand value of CSPC Pharma is $355 million, which fully reflects the deep brand value foundation and market recognition of CSPC Pharma. As one of the leading enterprises in China's pharmaceutical industry, CSPC Pharma has always been committed to driving innovation and continuously launching high-quality, high-value pharmaceutical products to provide quality healthcare services for global patients.

In the fiercely competitive pharmaceutical market, brand value is one of the important indicators to measure the comprehensive strength and market position of an enterprise. CSPC Pharma has consistently ranked among the top pharmaceutical brands in China for many years, which is inseparable from the group's continuous investment in brand building and its high level of attention to brand development. The Group has always adhered to the development philosophy of "All for better medicine,all for a healthier world", constantly strengthening R&D innovation and improving product quality, while actively fulfilling its social responsibilities and establishing a good corporate image and brand reputation.

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